Entries are invited for TAG’s 6th Children’s Tiatr Festival
Every year Tiatr Academy of Goa is organising Children’s Tiatr Festival in order to inculcate Tiatr culture among the children. The purpose of this festival is to involve children of the age of less than 18 years in the production and staging of Tiatrs.
This year 6th Children Festival is scheduled to be held from 26th November 2015 to 23rd December 2015 at Gomant Vidhya Niketan - Margao, daily at 3.30 pm.
Applications are invited from Educational Institutions/Sports & Cultural Associations/Individual Producers for participation in the festival provided the age of the participants is less than 18 years. Tiatr Academy Goa will give a financial support of Rs. 30,000/- to produce the Tiatr. This financial assistance of the TAG is to meet the expenditure incurred by them towards Live Band, Light Effects, Stage Setting, Background Music, Make up, Costumes, Refreshments for rehearsals, Transport, etc.
In all 15 Educational Institutions/Sports & Cultural Associations/Individual Producers will be given an opportunity to participate in the production and staging of Tiatr. In case TAG receives more than 15 applications a meeting of all the applicants will be called and the selection of 15 troupes will be done by lots. The first three award winners of the last year’s Children Tiatr Festival will get a direct entry into this festival, provided their entries are received before due date.
Themes of Tiatr should be based on the lives of children only. The scripts having no relevance to children’s lives will not be considered.
All the interested Educational Institutions/Sports & Cultural Associations/Individual Producers are requested to collect the Entry Form along with Rules and Regulations from the office of Tiatr Academy of Goa, AS-1, 2nd Floor, Campal Trade Centre, Campal, Panaji Goa. The last date of submission of duly filled Entry Form in the prescribed format is 23rd October 2015.